Sunday 1 October 2017


It's a mother's job to teach her children the skills they will need one day when they are grown and gone and living the life they have always wanted to live.

Like how to shower. And tie shoes. Answer the phone... Look someone in the eye... respond when you're asked a question...

And baking. Of course.

Cookies, that is.

I told Reid and Jarom they could make us some snickerdoodles today, thank you very much. They were okay with it, because... you know... snickerdoodles!!

Side note: When my daughter was younger and figuring out this awful thing called the English language, she would call them sneaker doodles.

Ah. Youth.

Don't worry, we don't just going around baking FOUR cookies at
a time. These were the final stragglers, that's all.

Go ahead and breathe a sigh of relief. And then refill the soap container
for me when you're done.


So proud of themselves and their offering.

They seem less pleased with the taste test.

(They were actually delicious, don't let this picture fool ya)