Monday 9 October 2017

Tanks so much

Since moving to the land down under, we've let a few things slide. Out of our minds.

Totally and completely.

Yesterday the man of the house randomly shouted out "Happy Thanksgiving!"

And we then remembered... it WAS Thanksgiving Day. In Canada, anyway. Which is the only Thanksgiving we really care about. Australians don't do Thanksgiving, and since it's so much work, for we don't really know what, we kind of just didn't do it for thirteen years. But not THIS year. We decided to remember our ROOTS for crying out loud. So Lena and I skipped of to the store and bought all the good stuff we never bother to normally eat, and cooked up a pretty decent dinner.

And then I took a picture of us chowing down. Of course!
Lack of time made us go with roast chicken instead of turkey (GASP!) but I'm sure the
Thanksgiving gods will forgive us.

As usual, when there is chicken on the menu, Freya will make an appearance.

And then... PIE. 
Thank you Woolworths, for your cooking skills.
And thanks for smiling for the camera, Wes.

Sounds about right.

In other news, today Reid started his first day of Year 12 (Grade 12 for all my Canadian 
readers, because of course, you couldn't figure out what I meant). 

He was super on board with me taking a picture of this 
momentous occasion.