Thursday 26 October 2017


So my littlest cutie pie made it to the big deal double digit birthday.

It does not make me sad at ALL to think I have no little kids anymore, not in the least little bit...

(sniff, sob)

I decided for such a momentous occasion, I should take fifty trillion billion pictures.

So I did!!

You are WELCOME.

For her ninth birthday we made her a shopkins cake, and she loved it so SO much,
she insisted on having the same for her tenth.

So we did as commanded.

Bright and early and ready to open the LOOT!

Isn't she so gorgeous. And Wes so unimpressed. And Reid so reflect-y.

Before she gets into ripping open gifts, the cards must be read slowly and carefully. 
The boys can't wait for it! Right boys??

It is the most thrilling part of any birthday.

They are not bored at all.

Not even a little.

Present time!...

And they all lived happily ever after.

After presents comes McDonalds. 
And Jarom unsuccessfully trying to stay out of the picture.

After McDonalds comes bowling. 
Of course! Why not! Everyone loves it! I am not being sarcastic at all!

She is sooo confident in her skills, she does not even have to stick around and
watch to see if the pins get knocked down. Of course they will be! 

Also, because it's more fun, let's go ahead and pretend she's flipping me the bird, 
and not just waving her hand too fast for the camera all excitedly because she loves 
bowling and she loves her mother and she just loves her life so dang much! 
(Fun, right?)

Wes is a very good bowler.

And a very good cheering squad. For himself.

Conner surprised us all with his bowling skills, and if you don't count 
the fact that Wes actually got the best score, then he got the best score!
Way to go, man!!

While trying to get a picture of everyone bowling (minus me, the photographer... 
and minus Reid, the school attender), I realized something...

Wes is not a happy camper.
Lena IS a happy camper.
Conner is a sometimes happy camper.
 Bowling turns Jarom into a supermodel.

The birthday dinner. Outback, as per usual.
Oh, Outback what would we do without you? Never eat ribs.
The horror!

Fire safety is serious business. Cracking smiles can come LATER.  

Like I said.

You go, girl.

She's a pro.

The start of this video is the awesomest because the moment Lena opens her gift, REID gasps (why so excited, Reid??), but the camera focused on (super happy) little Lena makes it seem as though the gasp is coming from her. Tenth birthday and her voice just drops ten octaves...
