Monday 30 October 2017

Halloween 17

Halloween rolled around this year on October 31st, so we went ahead and did the usual routine...

Carved up some innocent pumpkins:

Photo cred goes to Jarom the awesome.

My daughter was the only child who wanted to dress up and trick
or treat. It doesn't bother me at all that my boys have given that
part of their lives up (sniff, sob).

Aw, there's that cutie face.

Typical spoils for an Australian trick or treat.
At least you'll be diabetes free!!

Then we did our pizza making and "scary" movie watching (Hotel Transylvania this year).
 Wes sat with us and paid bills instead. Talk about SCARY. 

I'm thinking they're pretty proud/happy with the results.
In other news, Lena has the cutest little smiley eyes.

