Sunday 29 October 2017


Lena had been desperate for pierced ears since she discovered such a thing was possible.

I have looked into her adorable pleading eyes for years and years as she begged PLEASE could she get her ears pierced like all her little friends.

And my loving, compassionate mothering voice said NO WAY JOSÉ, for all those years and years. I was not interested in seeing my sweet little girl get holes poked through her cute innocent little ears.

Plus, it is way too much work taking care of pierced ears, and I am way too lazy for such commitment.

But then the double digit birthday came along, and she seemed old and wise enough to take care of her own cutie patootie ears, so I thought, how about I let her celebrate her big deal double digit birthday with getting holes punched through her ears.

Good times... great memories!

She took raggedy *appendicitis teddy to comfort her and squeeze the
life out of as they gunned metal posts through her tender little ears.


... and AFTER.

She seems sufficiently unfazed and untraumatized.
Plus super cute.

*This teddy was given to Jarom after he had his appendix out. (Good job on losing your organ... here's a teddy bear!!) He was confused/unimpressed, and so it made it's way straight to his sister's loving arms once he was home.