Wednesday 27 December 2017

The DAY.

Every year it's the same... we're all downstairs waiting to rip into it, 
and Daddy is taking his sweet time getting out of bed and getting all pretty.

This year we decided to write in the Christmas journals while we waited for the
old man to join us...
Just give us five or ten years and we eventually wise up and have great ideas.

Stocking time. 

Stocking presents are so awesomely hygienic.

Aw, he's so cute! And old! And half asleep!

Christmas presents from Grandpa Po and Grandma Coconut Oil. 


Really though... Reid gets the trophy for best reaction. At first the popping eyes seem
to take the cake, but then... I think... the lack of teeth amuses me the most in the end.

Either way, thanks Reid.

Waiting your turn to open a present is the best. Just ask Conner's face...

Presents from Old Saint Nick. Despite his extreme old age, his wrapping skills 
are on point.

(Also... hello daddy toes)

Don't ya just hate it when Santa puts a BOW on your stuff??
The nerve.

Once all the unwrapping is done, we naturally moved onto the
figuring out how stuff works portion of the day:

Sometimes Wes likes to power nap while he's lecturing me.

He is an expert builder and.... um... tanker (?)

Now that's how you enjoy your Christmas loot! 

Christmas dinner. 
Just imagine I'm sitting right there between Wes and Lena.

Don't I look great??

And because five trillion pictures aren't enough: